1. Help Center
  2. Carbon Neutral Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost extra to offset our shipping activities?

Yes, we split charges 50/50 with clients, and all pricing is transparent and provided by our offsetting partner, Cloverly. Please note that we do not add margin to any offset credits and will provide full transparency concerning costs.

Is this program open to all shippers?

Yes. To get in touch, please send an email to carbonneutral@freightzy.com.

Are there different types of emissions? 

There are two types of emissions: direct and indirect.

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative defines direct emissions as those originating from sources that are owned or controlled by an organization. Examples include emissions from a manufacturing site or from company-owned fleet vehicles.

Indirect emissions are those emissions created as a consequence of the activities of an organization but generated from sources owned or controlled by another entity. Examples of indirect emissions include those associated with employee air travel or third-party shipping.