Track your shipments quickly and easily with our online portal.
Tracking your shipment doesn’t need to be complicated. Freightzy’s online portal lets you quickly find out where your shipment is and when it will arrive. Here’s how:
Step 1: Find the Tracking Feature
Customer Portal: Log in to your Freightzy account and click the "Tracking" icon on the dashboard.
Quick Search: If you need to find something quickly, use the search bar at the bottom of the page. Type "in transit shipments" to access the tracking feature.
Step 2: Enter Your Shipment Information
Locate the Search Bar: This is at the top of the portal page.
Enter Your Reference Number. Use any of these to pull up your shipment:
PRO number
Load number
Pickup number
Sales Order (SO) number
Any other reference number provided to you*
And That’s It!
Once you enter your reference number, Freightzy’s system will automatically display your shipment’s current location and status. You’ll know exactly where your freight is and when it’s set to arrive.